I have seven years experience working at both agencies and in-house, and have worked on everything from brand books to mobile UI design and responsive web. I’m used to fast-paced environments and take a lot of responsibility and pride in my work. I’m a fast learner and always welcome a new challenge.
I received a BA in Art Studio from UC Santa Barbara, and a MS in Communications Design from Pratt Institute in New York. I like to use my combined art and design background to tackle issues conceptually, working through many rough sketches to get to unique design solutions.
Selected Brands I've Collaborated With:
Apple, Showtime, Birchbox, Flywheel, 7UP, Snapple, Dr Pepper, Jack Daniels, Burger King.
Apple, Showtime, Birchbox, Flywheel, 7UP, Snapple, Dr Pepper, Jack Daniels, Burger King.
In my spare time I create meditative pattern paintings utilizing chance.